Because everyone picks fire type, don’t they?
The world of Nexomon: Extinction is teeming with over 300 Nexomon to capture and tame! As you explore the diverse regions, towns and cities you’ll discover Nexomon from 9 different elemental types. Here are just some of the FIRE TYPE ? Nexomon waiting to be captured!

KOLPHUR is a scorching pebble with a magma core which also forms its one eye. When chasing them, be careful not to trip on their trail or your shoes might… melt.

PONGOS live in herds at the slopes of steep mountains, their fire wool keeps them warm in cold places.

FLIZARDS are easier to spot on hot days when they are more active. When they gather enough heat, some might shine with a bright red glow at night.

TIKI can be found in dark ruins, caves, and ancient villages. They usually stay away from towns as they can easily start a fire…
…and finally – we think you’d love to know a little more about PORKLET!

PORKLET is an adorable little Nexomon makes use of its fat to power its fire attacks!
A PORKLET will evolve into a HOGLET, which is a more agile Nexomon than it looks. They tend to hop back and forth while on battle to keep their stamina and fire going.
Finally, a HOGLET will evolve into BARBORACO! A bulked-up and strong Nexomon with blazing skills, Barboraco trains to keep its body fat to a minimum.